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Posts tagged with "product"
The Age of Agents – Product Dev for AI
Way back in the “nineteen hundreds” (as my kids call it), product development was relatively simple. We lived in an offline, disconnected world, where great products were largely defined b -
Product Management “Via Negativa”
Love this Twitter/X post from Pawel Huryn. It’s an excellent summary of a “via negativa” exploration of the role of Product Management as part of the whole Product Development ecosys -
Product Development Heartbeat
Lots of organisations as they grow start to struggle with how to stay aligned while maintaining the autonomy of when they were smaller. What works for one or two squads starts to fall apart at four or -
3 anti-patterns to avoid in Product Development
In my travels in Product Development over the last decade or so, I’ve seen up close the value destroyed and delays incurred as a result of falling into three common traps. They’re all seem -
Product Development Org Design – Principles
Some guiding principles that have emerged for me over the years of inheriting somewhat broken Product Development organisations – and the approach that has worked well for me. 1. Start where -
Product Development is Poetry
This Ethan Hawke clip makes an important point that also applies to what we do in developing products. I think that most of us really want to offer the world something of quality, something that the w -
On “Trust” in Product Development
I rather rudely butted in on an interesting twitter exchange yesterday, which started off about assessments. John Cutler was sharing what he has learned from doing and iterating on them recently. Havi -
The Product Backlog – “One safe waiting place”
What is a product backlog? What problem is it supposed to solve? What problems sometimes arise when using one? So many questions, and not a lot of guidance out there for Product Managers and Product O -
Internal Product Management: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Applying Product Management to “Internal Products” can be a bit strange. Sometimes it feels a bit like trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. Having observed lots of organisati -
Develop Better Products by Understanding Jobs To Be Done – Agile2017 Workshop
Abstract: Jobs to be Done (JTBD) is an interview technique and way of thinking for revealing deeper insights into why people choose a product or service. Using JTBD helps us to avoid building stuff th