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Posts tagged with "flow"
Local vs Global Prioritisation
TL;DR: neither are a solution on their own. Whenever you have more than one team (in which case Global effectively equals Local) you need both. This post comes as a train of thought after reading and -
Top-down “Priority Lists” don’t work
Seen this many times. Feels good, but the feeling doesn’t last, and it doesn’t solve the fundamental problem. In fact, it prolongs the problem, which is a bit sad. Firstly, let’s und -
Quarterly Look Ahead (QLA)
This post is a follow on from an overview of the Product Development Heartbeat. The Quarterly Look Ahead (QLA) is the part of that overall rhythm that pulls together teams, stakeholders and the wider -
3 anti-patterns to avoid in Product Development
In my travels in Product Development over the last decade or so, I’ve seen up close the value destroyed and delays incurred as a result of falling into three common traps. They’re all seem -
Delivery Dates
Product Development involves tough choices and trade-offs. Here’s a typical one: what would you choose to optimise for? 1. Predictability (“on time, on budget”) 2. Throughput (Storypoints -
CapEx, OpEx and Accounting for Teams
Years ago, I wrote about funding teams instead of projects. That covered a really common big-batch funding and approval problem: the feast and famine – and the learning curves that teams go through be -
On Backlogs and Buffers
A Backlog is different to a Buffer. In short, a Backlog should be a safe waiting place, where it is: a) cheap and b) fast for ideas of all sizes and complexities to flow to. The purpose of a Backlog i -
On “Trust” in Product Development
I rather rudely butted in on an interesting twitter exchange yesterday, which started off about assessments. John Cutler was sharing what he has learned from doing and iterating on them recently. Havi -
The Product Backlog – “One safe waiting place”
What is a product backlog? What problem is it supposed to solve? What problems sometimes arise when using one? So many questions, and not a lot of guidance out there for Product Managers and Product O -
Part Three – Alternative measures? (Velocity needs to die)
Part One looked at Velocity, what it is, how it gets abused and what the typical result of that is – and therefore the need for an alternative. Part Two then considered what “agility” mean