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Posts tagged with "deliver-early-and-often"
The Age of Agents – Product Dev for AI
Way back in the “nineteen hundreds” (as my kids call it), product development was relatively simple. We lived in an offline, disconnected world, where great products were largely defined b -
Product Development Heartbeat
Lots of organisations as they grow start to struggle with how to stay aligned while maintaining the autonomy of when they were smaller. What works for one or two squads starts to fall apart at four or -
Culture, Technology and Decay
In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Satis House (from the latin for “enough”) is a wonderful metaphor for technology in organisations today. So often, what you hope will satisfy -
CapEx, OpEx and Accounting for Teams
Years ago, I wrote about funding teams instead of projects. That covered a really common big-batch funding and approval problem: the feast and famine – and the learning curves that teams go through be -
Survival in a demand-driven world
This is a really interesting read on Loose Threads. It talks about how the world of retail clothing has shifted from being supply-constrained to demand-driven. It looks at how Zara operates in the new -
Internal Product Management: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Applying Product Management to “Internal Products” can be a bit strange. Sometimes it feels a bit like trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. Having observed lots of organisati -
Why Duration and not Cost?
We get this question a lot. It is referring to the denominator of CD3 (Cost of Delay Divided by Duration). For various reasons, people struggle with this. There’s perhaps an element of bikeshedd -
Standing Up Doesn’t Scale
You hear a lot of people talking about “Scaling” Software Delivery. Like it or not, it is something many large organisations spend a lot of energy struggling with. What I find interesting -
Slicing ideas – choose your weapon!
One of the cheapest ways to tilt the playing field is to reduce the “batching” together of features and requirements. It was a big part of what we did at Maersk Line – which led to deliver -
SAFe and Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
In 2012, when Dean Leffingwell launched the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) it was obvious the impact that Don Reinertsen’s teachings had on elements of the design. In particular, SAFe specifies D