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Posts tagged with "conference"
The Agile PMO: 6 things you need to nail – Agile2017
Abstract: What does the PMO actually do in an agile, learning organisation? The leading vs dragging PMO In many organisations the PMO tends to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution. -
How to Train Your HiPPO (Workshop) – Agile2017
Abstract: Have you noticed the impact when someone more senior in your organisation shares their opinion? Meet the HiPPO: the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. Sometimes it’s subtle and unintended. Other -
Less than a month to go! Agile2016 is on July 25-29 in Atlanta, GA, USA. Widely regarded as the premier Agile conference in the world, Agile2016 offers an unprecedented opportunity to learn from world -
#LKCE14 – Hamburg
 Less than 24 hours back from two great conferences in Istanbul and Paris before heading to Hamburg to complete the tour. Lean Kanban Central Europe brings together more than 30 international sp -
#LKUK14: Lean Kanban UK – London
We’re coming to London! Lean Kanban United Kingdom is for managers, team leads, consultants and executives who want to more reliably deliver the products and services their customers demand. Fro -
We’re coming to Orlando! Serious teams, developers, managers and executives from over 40 countries are about to descend on an unsuspecting Orlando, Florida. There’ll be over 1,800 attendee -
#MIXIT14 – Prioritising ideas using Cost of Delay
Özlem Yüce is coming to Lyon, France to speak at MIXIT14! How can we survive in a world where stakeholders want it all – and they want it yesterday? Are you tired of conflicting priorities and mechani -
We’re coming to San Francisco! Looking forward to hearing some fantastic speakers talk about “Modern Management Methods” and share a few stories and thoughts of our own, at the Lean -
Thoughts on Agile2013
On August 5-9, I attended the biggest Agile conference on the planet: Agile2013. What I hoped to get from the conference (my first) was to meet interesting people, hear about their experience and lear