This page is a collection of feedback we’ve received from various talks and workshops we have run at a number of conferences and events.
#Agile2014: Orlando, Florida
Engaging workshop on Cost of Delay w gr8 exercises – thx @OzzieYuce & @joshuajames! #agile2014 #CoD
— Erik Schön (@erik_schon) July 28, 2014
Really enjoyed the Cost of Delay workshop by @OzzieYuce and @joshuajames at #Agile2014. Already planning to use the model in #Lean Prod Dev.
— Melissa Perri (@lissijean) July 28, 2014
Really enjoyed the talk on the cost of delay from @joshuajames and @OzzieYuce check out the report here:
— Michael Glasney (@MikeyGTweeting) July 28, 2014
Cost of delay is a way of communicating value and urgency. @joshuajames @ozzieyuce #agile2014
— Bradford Thomas (@bradford_thomas) July 28, 2014
#sparkconf: Spark the Change conference in London…
“Without information about value the system optimises for other things. Defaulting to what’s easiest to measure.” @joshuajames #SparkConf
— Olaf Lewitz (@OlafLewitz) July 3, 2014
Don’t show me the cost, show he the cost of delay #BlackSwanFarming #sparkconf
— Dragan Jojic (@DrJojic) July 3, 2014
#LKNA14: Lean Kanban North America 2014 in San Francisco…
Lightning talk by @OzzieYuce on Cost of Delay workshop with @joshuajames #lkna14
— César Idrovo (@CesarIdrovo) May 8, 2014
Good work @joshuajames and @OzzieYuce on your cost-of-delay workshop. I learned a lot and had fun! Highly recommended! #lkna14
— Chris Achouiantz (@ChrisAch) May 8, 2014
Lots to learn in applying cost of delay in various situations at @OzzieYuce and @joshuajames session #lkna14
— Bernadette Dario (@BernadetteDario) May 8, 2014
Agenda for Cost Of Delay workshop @joshuajames @OzzieYuce #lkna14
— César Idrovo (@CesarIdrovo) May 8, 2014
#MIXIT14: France
Really enjoyed @OzzieYuce session on Cost of Delay at #mixit14 If you want to understand CoD have @OzzieYuce explain it!
— Håkan Forss (@hakanforss) April 30, 2014
Client in London
@joshuajames @OzzieYuce @portiatung Thanks for the #costofdelay session this week! Hope to put some of the techniques in practice!
— Alice Gonzalez (@solsila) March 29, 2014
XPDay in London
@joshuajames Tx. I saw you and @OzzieYuce speak at #xpday2013 and have been inspired by your talks & that paper ever since @siamakshams2
— Catherine Walker (@transageo) February 17, 2014
On the Black Swan Farming paper:
What a Lean Masterpiece.. “Black Swan Farming using Cost of Delay” congrats @joshuajames @ozzieyuce #Lean #LPD #pmot
— Rodrigo Yoshima (@rodrigoy) November 3, 2013
read “black swan farming” again. inspired. again. via @joshuajames @ozzieyuce “build the most valuable 25% of what?”
— Kent Beck (@KentBeck) September 4, 2013
“@KentBeck: “black swan farming” @joshuajames @ozzieyuce ” read like finding 3 handfuls of diamonds in yr backyard
— gunnar peterson (@oneraindrop) September 5, 2013
“Value is rare, extreme and obvious in retrospect” prioritization w/ cost of delay/duration, via @joshuajames
— Kent Beck (@KentBeck) June 22, 2013
Get in touch here if you’re interested in having us come and speak or run a workshop.