Tag: Information

  • Part Three – Alternative measures? (Velocity needs to die)

    Part Three – Alternative measures? (Velocity needs to die)

    Part One looked at Velocity, what it is, how it gets abused and what the typical result of that is – and therefore the need for an alternative. Part Two then considered what “agility” means, with three overlapping principles that we want to try and find some measures for. Now we want to look at…

  • Why failing fast is valuable

    Why failing fast is valuable

    A while back I posted this quote from a BBC interview with Astro Teller, “Capitain of Moonshots” at Google[x]: You must reward people for failing, he says. If not, they won’t take risks and make breakthroughs. If you don’t reward failure, people will hang on to a doomed idea for fear of the consequences. That wastes…

  • Relativity and Rounding Errors

    Relativity and Rounding Errors

    Putting a price tag on time can sound scary. A common fear is that the estimate of value will be misused as a tool for planning – much like other estimates of time or cost often are. When estimates are later proven to lack the precision they never had, those who underestimate the complexity of…

  • Information Discovery Value

    Information Discovery Value

    One of the components to consider when trying to understand Cost of Delay is the value of Information Discovery. This can take on two basic forms: knowing which paths will likely lead to success, and; knowing which paths will likely lead to failure. What would it be worth to simply have better knowledge – not…