Tag: Duration

  • Cost of Delay and CD3 Prioritisation at Scale

    Cost of Delay and CD3 Prioritisation at Scale

    “How to generate the highest Return On Investment toward strategic priorities — across multiple teams that need to work together.” I get asked this question a lot. I’ve also seen lots of slow, disjointed, unresponsive and generally painful ways to approach this — and in lots of different organisations. Rather than poking holes in alternatives,…

  • Why Duration and not Cost?

    Why Duration and not Cost?

    We get this question a lot. It is referring to the denominator of CD3 (Cost of Delay Divided by Duration). For various reasons, people struggle with this. There’s perhaps an element of bikeshedding involved too, with people generally more comfortable talking about what they know and understand, and avoiding the Cost of Delay part, which…

  • CD3 and proportionality to Outcomes

    CD3 and proportionality to Outcomes

    Here’s an interesting question: “I have been busy trying to figure out Cost of Delay but I’m stuck on a certain question — hopefully you can enlighten me. An example: Let’s say I have an ice cream stand that is currently at capacity, selling 10 ice-creams per week. I have two options to boost capacity: Option…

  • Managing Queues in Product Development

    Managing Queues in Product Development

    “Blindness to queues” is one of the cardinal sins of product development. Why? Well, here is a typical value stream map for a feature being delivered by a software team. Notice all the waiting? Not laziness: lots of Work-In-Process; Demand > Supply The reason for all the waiting is not that anyone is sitting around staring out the window…

  • Challenges with Cost of Delay and CD3: Duration

    Challenges with Cost of Delay and CD3: Duration

    A couple of week’s ago I received an email asking how for help with applying Cost of Delay and CD3 to some potentially difficult cases. I enjoy these challenges. For an idea to survive, it needs to be stressed to see how it responds. Maybe the idea is completely flawed (e.g. the Geocentric model of the universe). Maybe it…

  • Estimation is hard – but worthwhile

    Estimation is hard – but worthwhile

    One of the most painful parts of product development is the estimating part. Dan Milstein talks (at length) about the complexity of this in his post about why we all suck at making estimates. When you first hit this pain, you think “We should just be more careful at the specification stage”. But this turns…

  • Urgency, duration and CD3 prioritisation

    Urgency, duration and CD3 prioritisation

    Interesting question from the resident DJ Rough: Urgent Optimism and how it can drive behaviour: gamification.co/2013/02/14/how… So, is Cost Of Delay entering into gamification? /cc @joshuajames — Dan Rough (@danrough) April 3, 2013 The article he’s pointing to talks about how we are motivated by the opportunity to finish small or urgent tasks. Here’s a snip…