Tag: Cycletime
How to Find Gun Owners Fast
This is a wonderful piece by Jeanne Marie Laskas, writing for GQ magazine. It’s about a strange little federal agency in the US that runs traces on guns that are associated with a crime, trying to figure out who bought it. It’s long, but well worth reading in it’s entirety. There’s a few parts worth highlighting and looking into a…
Value, Speed and the confidence of stakeholders
If you’re considering doing a system rewrite there are a couple of posts that I would strongly recommend you read. The first is by Joel Spolsky about the folly of doing system rewrites called “Things you should never do“. Go read that first. I’ll wait… The second is a great response by Dan Milstein that…
Can you use a Waterfall process and still “be agile”?
A couple of days ago I tweeted a seemingly random thought: “Waterfall is not the opposite of Agile. An organisation may use a waterfall process and still be agile.” Now, I completely accept that within twitter’s 140 character quantum this could be easily misconstrued. What I was trying to say is that