Tag: Complexity

  • Culture, Technology and Decay

    Culture, Technology and Decay

    In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Satis House (from the latin for “enough”) is a wonderful metaphor for technology in organisations today. So often, what you hope will satisfy you and be “enough”, quickly decays into dashed dreams and bitter disappointment. Why? Mostly culture, and a paradigm that’s completely broken, unsuited for the context and the…

  • Product Roadmaps

    Product Roadmaps

    What is a Product Roadmap for? What is the “job to be done” for which people “hire” Product Roadmaps? Of course, there are lots of different behaviours that Product Roadmaps support. Some of these behaviours are good, improving our chances of delivering something of value. Some, not so good. Even what might be considered “not so good”…

  • Information Discovery Value

    Information Discovery Value

    One of the components to consider when trying to understand Cost of Delay is the value of Information Discovery. This can take on two basic forms: knowing which paths will likely lead to success, and; knowing which paths will likely lead to failure. What would it be worth to simply have better knowledge – not…

  • Buying an off-the-shelf solution? Don’t forget the caravan!

    Buying an off-the-shelf solution? Don’t forget the caravan!

    Nearly every company I have worked with in the last 15 years has at some point embarked on a major system replacement, or spent a serious amount of time and effort investigating doing so. I wrote a bit about this here, referring to Joel Spolsky’s advice to never do this as well as Dan Milstein’s…

  • Planning for success

    Planning for success

    During the first World War Winston Churchill famously lost his job as First Lord of the Admiralty as a result of the failed